About Us
Marra bikes and boards is owned and run by us: four friends who are in love with the local area, exploring it whenever we get chance.
We are keen mountain bikers and paddle boarders, and have always loved the vast number of routes and locations that exist literally on our doorstep. We have covered most of the local bridleways on our bikes and use the boards to take advantage of the iconic locations of Wast Water and the West Cumbrian coast.
We don’t do mission statements, but if we did (we don’t), it would be to help others enjoy this area, stay healthy, appreciate the environment and experience everything life has to offer… even / especially if it’s something someone has never done before.
We are always more than happy to answer questions about the area including the must-see sights, where to eat, where to drink and what you should do next.
Looking forward to meeting you – namaste.
Laura, Amy, Josh and Ben.
Meet the Marras

Laura is the paddle board queen! She loves nothing more than to float and absorb the area's beauty. She's also an extremely talented designer / artist who has given our brand her amazing touch.
Specialist subject – Paddle boarding and Social Media.
Favourite local spot – Wast Water. Here you can take in England's voted favourite view.

Ben is the Marra mechanic and loves everything about mountain biking. He has competed in numerous events and built bikes for both himself and customers. He also handpicked our fleet using in-depth analysis that only he could endure!
Specialist subject – Bikes and Trail Running.
Favourite local spot – Blengdale Forest – he could spend hours exploring the trails.


Amy is a guru when it comes to mind and body as she’s a qualified Psychologist and Pilates instructor! Amy loves biking and boarding and can even be seen running Pilates classes on paddleboards whilst floating on the lake.
Specialist subject – Fitness and Wellbeing.
Favourite local spot – Drigg Beach, a quieter location with a huge sandy beach. No better place when the weather is good.

What Josh doesn't know about the local area isn't worth knowing. Twin this with his passion for biking and water sports, and you have a winning combination. He's also one of those annoying people that's good at everything he touches.​
Specialist subject – Local places of beauty and trails.
Favourite local spot – Black Sail pass, Wasdale.